Though Radiant was launched in 2005, its network brands and associated strategic operating partners have storied legacies embodying decades of experience and service in the transportation and logistics industry. These valued network brands include:
- Airgroup®, acquired in January 2006
- Adcom Worldwide®, acquired in September 2008
- Distribution By Air™, acquired in April 2011
- Wheels®, acquired in April 2015
- Service By Air™, acquired in June 2015
- Navegate®, acquired in December 2021
As we provided the exit strategy for the founders of each of these companies, starting with Airgroup® in early 2006, each acquisition brought specialized, further-reaching, wider-ranging services—strengthening the network as a whole.
Along the way, we have also continued to support our operating partners that have sought to transition their operations. We have acquired individual operation locations in Los Angeles, CA; Portland, OR; Laredo, TX; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Minneapolis, MN; Cincinnati, OH; Newark, NJ; Pittsburgh, PA and Washington DC. Together, these companies represent the fulfilment of Radiant’s vision as a company created by logistics entrepreneurs to benefit fellow logistics professionals. By taking advantage of Radiant’s promise to facilitate an easy exit strategy through liquidity, these groups have become part of the Radiant success story, creating a mutually rewarding model for logistics professionals and the network they’ve joined.
Radiant continues to pursue an aggressive strategy of acquisition and diversification, while maintaining a high level of personalized, end-to-end customer service for every transaction. As Radiant looks toward the future of the logistics industry, we remain connected, fast, cost-efficient, and steadfast in our commitment to delivering a better experience to every customer we serve and every professional we partner with.